Fair Trade coffee

Fair Trade coffee and socio-economic projects

The Torrefactory - Efico partnership

The concept of fair trade coffee transcends simple commercial transactions to embrace initiatives that have a profound and lasting socio-economic impact. This is the spirit behind the partnership between Torrefactory and Efico, two entities dedicated to the distribution of quality coffee and the development of projects that promote a tangible improvement in the living conditions of coffee producers and their communities. 

Thanks to this strategic partnership, a significant portion of revenues - 1.5% of Torrefactory sales - is allocated to the Efico Foundation. This foundation is renowned for its commitment to supporting over 70 socio-economic projects in 17 countries. The result? More than 30,000 people benefit directly from the combined efforts of this initiative, which emphasizes the importance of social responsibility in the coffee trade. 

fair trade coffee

Examples of projects

The projects launched by the Efico Foundation and supported by Torrefactory are varied and touch on many aspects of the daily lives of producer communities. In Guatemala, for example, eco-friendly stoves are being installed in the homes of fair-trade coffee growers. This modern, safe equipment replaces older cooking methods, reducing indoor pollution and improving family health. 

In Colombia, the focus is on educating and training young people in sustainable agriculture. By providing them with skills in environmentally-friendly farming practices, business management and food safety, these young people are prepared to become the future leaders of the coffee industry. They learn how to produce coffee ethically and sustainably, while ensuring fair remuneration for their work. 

These initiatives perfectly illustrate the vision of the partnership between Torrefactory and Efico: to create a model of coffee trade that benefits everyone, from producers to consumers and the environment. By choosing fair trade coffee, consumers participate in this virtuous circle, contributing to a future where trade is fairer and more respectful of the planet and its inhabitants.


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