Fair Trade coffee

The world of fair trade coffee: an overview by Torrefactory

Did you know that there are well over a hundred species of coffee plant, of which humans only consume two varieties: Arabica and Robusta? Most of the other varieties are doomed to extinction as a result of human activities that damage the environment. In this context, we agreereviews that it is urgent to rethink the way we consume coffee. That's why at Torrefactory, you'll find only fair-trade coffee.

Our aim is to accelerate the trend. In Belgium, the share of fair-trade coffee is approaching the 5% mark by 2022. The demand is there, and we want to satisfy it with exceptional coffee beans.

fair trade coffee

What is fair trade coffee?  

Fair Trade coffee is certified to ensure that it is produced to ethical standards that support producers in developing countries. These standards guarantee a minimum price for farmers, good working conditions, sustainable farming practices and investment in community development. By choosing Fair Trade coffee, consumers promote economic equity, respect for human rights and environmental protection in the coffee industry. 

What are the sustainable practices of Fair Trade coffee production?

In addition to the small local producers with whom we work directly, we have chosen the Efico organization for our fair-trade coffee sourcing. In line with the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact, outlining the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Efico signed the Belgian SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Charter for International Development in 2010.

Under the Charter, Efico is committed to supporting quality education, decent work and economic growth in producing countries. The organization also strives to forge partnerships to achieve these goals, and to help combat climate change, notably by favoring the use of clean, affordable energy. Finally, Efico is committed to sustainable consumption and production.

Find out more about Doña Ana's family farm in Honduras, nestled on a hillside in the middle of the forest, in our blog post on this beautiful, aroma-rich collaboration. The delicious variety of coffee grown there, Lempira, has given its name to the country's motto. CQFD.

Fair trade coffee, a fairly recent specialty

In terms of fair trade, coffee is the world's leading product. Fair trade was born in the middle of the XXᵉ century. It began to spread in Europe in the late 1950s and has only grown since. Although this laudable practice is gaining ground, it still only accounts for 0.1% of world trade.

Prepare your taste buds all year round with our fair trade coffees to celebrate fair trade fortnight in style. It's May and already marked with a coffee bean on our calendar.

The virtuous circle of fair trade coffee

With decent remuneration, coffee growers can rely on the quality of their harvests to stand out from the crowd. Feeding the fair trade chain by consuming a fair trade coffee also enhances your taste experience.

The more Fair Trade coffee farms develop, the more we come back to high-quality coffee. These days, consumers are no longer fooled: they have all the keys they need to appreciate good coffee at its true value. With Torrefactory, you're reshuffling the deck for an entire industry. And that's a credit to you.

BE BIO 01 certification and fair trade coffee at Torrefactory 

Torrefactory's "BE BIO 01" certification is an essential mark of commitment to organic farming and fair trade coffee. To obtain this certification, producers must follow a rigorous process, including regular audits and organic conversion, which guarantees compliance with European organic farming standards. This process encompasses everything from documentary verification to field inspection, ensuring complete traceability of Fair Trade coffee from farm to cup. 

Torrefactory's commitment to fair trade coffee 

Torrefactory is firmly committed to fair trade coffee, choosing to follow the "BE BIO 01" certification issued by Certisys. This commitment guarantees the quality and organic authenticity of our coffees and respect for the principles of fair trade coffee. Every purchase of fair trade coffee from Torrefactory supports coffee producers in their respect for the environment and sustainable development. 

The benefits of Fair Trade coffee for producers and the environment 

Opting for "BE BIO 01" certified fair trade coffee means supporting agriculture that respects natural cycles and contributes to soil purification. The conversion period required to obtain this certification ensures that our final products are free from harmful substances, offering you the highest quality fair trade coffee possible. This commitment to fair trade coffee has a significant positive impact on producers and the environment, promoting sustainable and fair farming practices. 

Why choose fair trade coffee from Torrefactory? 

Choosing fair trade coffee from Torrefactory means making an ethical and sustainable choice. Not only are you enjoying a superior quality coffee, but you're also contributing to a fairer trade model. Torrefactory's commitment to fair trade coffee and "BE BIO 01" certification ensures that your coffee is produced in full compliance with organic and fair trade standards. It's not just a purchase, but an investment in the future of sustainable agriculture and the well-being of coffee growers. 

The importance of BE BIO 01 certified fair trade coffee 

Fair Trade coffee certified "BE BIO 01" at Torrefactory is a perfect example of how your choices can have a positive impact on the world. By supporting Fair Trade coffee, Torrefactory encourages responsible production that benefits both producers and the environment. Torrefactory's commitment to these principles shows that quality, ethics and sustainability can go hand in hand in the world of coffee. 

Further information on fair trade coffee:
