Buy coffee beans

Buying coffee beans: what are the common mistakes to avoid when preparing coffee beans?

Choice of grain

Buying coffee with freshbeans in sealed packaging is the key to impeccable enjoyment over several weeks. Roasting should be gentle. If you roast too much, you'll notice the coffee's pungent taste. Don't neglect this stage, or you'll lose all the care you'll give to the following ones.

purchase coffee beans


If you grind your coffee in the same way for percolation in a coffee machine or a plunger coffee maker, you're heading for disaster. If you like to vary the way you prepare your coffee, buying coffee beans is the ideal solution. Prepare yourself a smooth moka filtered by your machine with a very fine grind, then taste the strength of a ristretto passed through the coarser grind required by piston coffee makers.


If you're happy buying coffee beans, it's easy to rely on that alone, only to end up with altered flavors. However, a little attention to your equipment can make all the difference. Pamper your coffee machine with regular cleanings, and it will repay you by preserving the fruity or spicy notes of your favorite coffees. Serve your coffee in a cup that has been run under hot water beforehand. This will prevent it from cooling down too quickly.


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