Specialty coffee

How best to store specialty coffee?

Specialty coffee needs to be pampered even before it reaches your palate. To avoid oxidation, store your specialty coffee away from light and humidity, in a hermetically sealed container, at room temperature.

Specialty coffee

Unless your consumption warrants it, we advise you to buy your specialty coffee in beans. This way, it retains all its freshness until it's ground and filtered on the spot.

Finally, keep the temperature at around 90°C to preserve the aromas of your pure-origin coffee.

Rest assured, these simple habits will soon become automatic. The quality of every cup is your guarantee.

Torrefactory tips for optimum storage of specialty coffee 

To ensure optimum preservation of your specialty coffee and keep its quality and aroma intact, Torrefactory recommends you follow a few simple but essential tips. First of all, buy coffee beans rather than powder. Whole beans better preserve the coffee's essential oils and minimize exposure to oxygen, delaying oxidation and preserving freshness for longer. 

Once you have your coffee beans, store them in an opaque, hermetically sealed container at room temperature. Avoid cupboards above the stove or exposed to direct sunlight, as temperature variations and exposure to light can alter the quality of the coffee. Humidity is also an enemy of coffee, so make sure you store it in a dry place. 

If you buy your coffee in large quantities, you might consider dividing your stash into smaller portions and storing them in airtight containers. Use the amount you need for one or two weeks and keep the rest in a cool, dark place, such as a kitchen cupboard or cellar. 

By following these tips from Torrefactory, you can guarantee the fresh, rich aroma of your specialty coffee in every cup. 


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