Buy coffee beans

Buying coffee beans: chemical-free decaf coffee beans

Of all the decaffeination methods available, we've fallen in love with the Swiss Water Process. Slow, organic and in line with our values, it allows you tobuy a decaffeinatedcoffee bean guaranteed solvent-free. What better way to accompany the blue hour than a moment of hygge with a clear conscience?

Buy coffee beans

The benefits of caffeine-free coffee

The water-based decaffeination process, which respects the very essence of your coffee, lets you enjoy all the virtues of coffee, minus the stimulating molecules. The antioxidants, vitamins and minerals are all yours. Buying decaffeinated coffee beans allows you to enjoy your elixir in all its freshness.

For coffee lovers who like a little decaf at the end of the day, some Jura and Melitta coffee machines feature a double bean hopper. This gives you access to versatile, everyday use. In other words, when you buy decaffeinated coffee beans, you get Torrefactory quality for the long haul. We're all for it!


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