Coffee bean subscription

The Torrefactory coffee bean subscription: where your reviews shapes our services

Customer service focused on your customer experience

We're very attentive to your feedback, and we're delighted to read and respond to every comment you make on our site about your coffee bean subscription. This has led to several improvements. Personalizing our services is of paramount importance to us. Our online chat tool, available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., provides answers to all your questions about our coffee bean subscriptions.

coffee bean subscription

Consult and leave your reviews on Trustpilot

We are currently approaching 5-star rating on the Trustpilot consumer platformreviews . You'll read testimonials such as: "Torrefactory takes me around the world from my cup of coffee every morning", or "Very good quality coffee, the roasting is good, the package superbly designed to keep the beans in perfect condition". We're honored to bring you strong emotions through our passion for coffee. Let's share it on the web!


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