Coffee roasting

Roaster coffee: a growing trend

Already in 2018, the newspaper l'Écho mentioned two hot niches in the world of coffee. These are specialty coffee and certified coffee. Since 2017, this has been Torrefactory's mission: to make quality coffee accessible to as many people as possible, while respecting people and the environment. Our roaster coffees are part of a growing movement that is changing the way this precious commodity is marketed.

Coffee roasting

Coffee beans from roasters

The bean version is the ultimate roaster's coffee. L'Écho reports that in 2018, the vast majority of coffee consumption in Belgium takes place at home, with 70% of coffee drunk at home. Savvy coffee drinkers nonetheless want coffee to rival that of the best baristas. To achieve this, they equip themselves like pros and buy coffee beans from roasters, so as not to lose a crumb of the richness of their coffee.


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