Specialty coffee

How can you tell the difference between a regular coffee and a specialty coffee?  

Distinguishing a normal coffee from a specialty coffee is based on several key criteria, including the quality of the beans, the roasting process and the tasting experience. 

specialty coffee

The importance of location  

A specialty coffee is often grown in ideal geographical conditions, at high altitude (often above 800 metres), which favours the slow development of aromas. Each bean is meticulously selected and harvested, often by hand, to guarantee superior quality. Unlike ordinary coffee, which can include blends of beans of various qualities, specialty coffee relies on the traceability and excellence of each individual bean. 

The role of roasting  

Torrefactory's roasting also plays a crucial role: specialty coffee is roasted in a way that brings out its unique palette of aromas and flavors, without masking its natural characteristics with excessive roasting. This contrasts with commercial coffees, which are often uniformly roasted to produce a consistent but less nuanced taste. 

A unique tasting experience  

Finally, the tasting experience clearly differentiates these two types of coffee. specialty coffee offers a complexity and richness of flavor that ordinary coffees cannot match. Fruity, floral, chocolate or spicy notes are common, with balanced acidity and sweetness, reflecting the specificity of their origin and processing. 

Through these differences, Torrefactory highlights the commitment of specialty coffee producers to offering an exceptional experience, from field to cup, in stark contrast to mass production aimed at quantity rather than quality. 


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